Changing the representative of Ithmar Construction and Trading in the membership of Medicare Group BOD

Medicare Group (Q.P.S.C) discloses that Ithmar Construction and Trading has changed its representative in the membership of the Board of Directors of Medicare Group(Q.P.S.C) Sheikh Thani bin Abdulla bin Thani Al –Thani to be replaced by Sheikh Ali bin Abdulla bin Thani Al –Thani for the remaining period of the current term of Board of Directors (2021-2023).

Based on the recommendation of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and after ensuring that the requirements of the Commercial Companies Law and Governance Code for the Companies & Legal Entities Listed on the Main Market are met, the Board of Directors approved Sheikh Ali bin Abdulla bin Thani Al –Thani as the representative of Ithmar Construction and Trading in the in the Medicare Group’s Board of Directors effective today until the end of the current term of the Board of Directors at the end of the fiscal year 2023.

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