About us

Medicare Group Q.P.S.C. is a Qatari Public Shareholding Company (Joint Stock Company) listed in Qatar Stock Exchange under the Consumer Goods & Services sector under the symbol (MCGS), and was founded in late 1996. Medicare Group is specialized in establishing special hospitals and outpatient clinics providing healthcare and treatment services. Medicare Group aims to establish medical and healthcare projects and companies in general, including Al-Ahli Hospital, Al-Wakra Clinics & Urgent Care Unit, Al-Ahli Center for Healthy Nutrition (Hemya), Enaya Healthcare Services and Al-Ahli Center for Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy (Reaya).
Our social responsibility
المجموعة للرعاية الطبية و ضعت سياسات وخطط لتنظيم حملات وفعاليات التوعية الصحية والسلامة من أجل رفع مستوى الوعي

Medicare Group has developed policies and plans for the organization of health and safety campaigns, initiatives  ….. (Read more)

Our ambition
To see Medicare Group’s branches and projects as possible all over the State of Qatar with the highest healthcare standards.
To see Medicare Group’s branches and projects as possible all over the State of Qatar with the highest healthcare standards. ….. (Read more)
Our policy
المرونة في اتخاذ القرار من خلال الاستماع إلى الأخرين، و تنقيح المعلومات، و مناقشتها مع الأخرين قبل اتخاذ أي قرار، فالقرار الصائب دائما

Flexibility in decision making based on listening to others and revising and discussing information prior to making any decision ….. (Read more)

Our vision
To provide the best medical and healthcare services with the highest quality standards and to actively pursue the development of the quality of services provided to keep up with the highest world standards.

To provide the best medical and healthcare services with the highest quality standards and to actively pursue the ….. (Read more)

Our history
في العام 1989م قام عشرة من رجال الأعمال القطريين بوضع مخطط أولي لإنشاء المجموعة للرعاية الطبية والتي تضم المستشفى

In 1989, ten Qatar businessmen made out a primary outline of the Medicare Group that comprised the ….. (Read more)

Investor guide